How do I complete a hardwired speed test?

To complete a hardwired speed test, you will need to obtain a device which has an Ethernet port, allowing you to plug an Ethernet cable into that device from the router, for example a laptop/computer. Once this has been connected, please could you ensure that the wireless is disabled to eliminate wireless connected devices from adversely impacting the result. Find out how to disable your wireless.

Once this has been completed, you will need to browse and click ‘begin test’, this will give you three results: Ping, Download and Upload. Once the results are displayed on your screen, please could you either send an email to [email protected] with a print screen of these results, or on website, there is an option to send a link by clicking ‘share this result’.

Why should the above steps be completed?

If you plug your computer directly into the router using an Ethernet cable, you’ll get faster speeds than wireless. This is because Wi-Fi is subject to more interference (microwaves, cordless phones etc.) than a direct wired connection. With Wi-Fi, many more things can interfere including your neighbours networks, other devices using Wi-Fi and objects in the way such as walls. The signal will be stronger in some places than others, and even vary considerably in the same location!  Moving closer to the router will usually improve your wireless connection speed. As such, we need all tests to be carried out at our demarcation point i.e. with a wired connection using a Ethernet cable directly into a laptop or similar and with no other devices connected i.e. using (stealing) your bandwidth.  This test will demonstrate the speeds we are getting to your property/router. Beyond this ‘demarcation point’ you will need to conduct your own diagnostics to identify issues within your premises.

If you have made any changes to the router that Call Flow have supplied, this could also be the cause of a variety of issues. Please contact our helpdesk if necessary, who can talk you through putting the router back to the configuration we supplied it with i.e. to rule out any changes you have made.